Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fieldwork Magic

Some days you just have the best interviews. This had happened to me a few times. Last month, I met a woman who is doctor and a little older who within 3 minutes of talking to me started to tell me what it was like to be a woman and a doctor during communism (her word not mine…maybe I need to rethink my last post…). We have emailed each other and now she has offered to show me pictures from her family – dad and uncle were also doctors – and invited me to her house…hopefully, we'll get together in a few weeks.

Then, about a week ago, I had one of those interviews that just revitalized me. I had been in a bit of a slump. Procrastinating. Lazy. Tired. Okay, mostly just lazy. But then, chatting with one of my nurses, trying to think of something to talk about, she told me about a phone call that she had received from a hospital trying to recruit her…essentially trying to poach her from the recruitment firm! It was awesome! I was able to get into some issues that I had been trying to get at and this was the door that I needed. I can't go into too much detail because I'm not through with this topic yet and I have to analyze it, so you'll just have to wait until the book comes out I guess J. Regardless, you just never know when that little piece of information will turn into something amazing. We hear about these experiences from other fieldworkers, but it is just so good to have it happen to me! So if you want to know how fieldwork is going…it's going pretty darn good these days!

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