Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feelin' Pretty

So, some of you know that I have been growing my hair for the past few years. Trying something new - or that I haven't had in 15 years - something different...something that might entice a man. Anyway, about a week or so ago, it was finally long enough to put up, as long as I put the bangs in a clip since they were still just a bit too short. And the sides. Anyway, I could do a wee little ponytail. When I wasn't doing that, I was putting headbands on or clips to hold my bangs back. Basically, anything to keep the hair out of the face and off my neck. Then I realized...that's what I liked about short hair. No hair in my face or on my neck. I obviously thought of this when it was hot last week and as I am spending 10 minutes drying my hair. So, after beggining my friends for advice - thanks, ladies! - I decided to get it cut. To go back to the "real" me. You can all blame my mother. She started cutting my hair short when I was in the first grade. And I did have it well past my shoulders for a few years in high school - I have no idea how I had the patience to let that grow out but I'm pretty sure the curling iron had a large role to play in that. Anyway, see below as to the transformation I went through today.



  1. LOVE IT! You looked cute before, but you were born to rock the short hair!

  2. damnit - now that i am looking at the two pictures side by side, i miss your longer hair. it was so sweet and feminine. but then again i just like long hair.

    luckily you are blessed with a cute shaped face so as joanne so eloquently pointed out - you were born to rock it!
