Friday, January 2, 2009

I’m cold and getting colder

You can easily see how cold it is in Prague by simply going to or any number of other weather or news sites. However, I thought I'd show you how cold it is and getting. Until about Christmas, the temperature has dipped down at night but hovered a bit above freezing (1-3° C or 33-36°F) during the day. I don't think that it has gotten above freezing the past week, and the next week predicts temps in the -11°C (16°F) range as a low. As for me, I'm just glad that I brought my giant coat with me. However, as the temperature decreases, the river freezes, or at least the edges. If you've been reading along, you know that I have an interest in the birds along the river. Well, as I was walking along the river yesterday morning, I snapped this picture. The birds were standing on the ice along the bank.

Farther along, I saw more of these birds perched on the pilings with just their feet in the water. I thought that it must be cold but then realized that in addition to their natural abilities to withstand the weather, since the water was not frozen it might actually be warmer than the air. Of course, I was never that interested in the biological sciences so I could be wrong.

And, yes, this is the southerner in me being shocked into reality by the cold of a real winter!

PS. I'm working on my New Year's post with pictures and videos of fireworks galore but am having trouble with the upload.

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