Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Bohemian Bagel – or – Where did all the students come from?

For those of you unfamiliar with the Bohemian Bagel, it's the internet café for hostellers in Prague. Reasonable internet prices and a café and bagel shop opened by Americans. It is also the home to the bottomless fountain drink, a commodity pretty much unknown in Europe. This and the internet is why I was there. But the place was packed with students. American students. Is it fall break somewhere? I couldn't help but overhear a few conversations which I will share with you. The first was between about 3 young men and one older men. He spoke with what sounded like an American accent but he was a leader of some sort, telling the guys that he could do anything alcohol-related for them, except whiskey and including absinthe, which the guys jumped on. You all know that everyone must have absinthe when in Prague. The second group was discussing the girls in their group who were apparently somewhat clingy to the guys in their group. But it wouldn't be so bad if they were really cool which would "make up for lack of attractiveness." I do give the guy a few points for his ability to articulate this without the use of the word "dude."

Was I ever that young?

Future topics: Old Town gearing up for Christmas and men in plaid pants with solid patches

1 comment:

  1. Dude. That was so funny. Word.

    So glad to hear from you!
