Sunday, November 16, 2008


"Váženej, váženej!" yelled the cashier at the Albert (supermarket)…to me. As I stare at him with a confused look and blank eye, he holds up the bulb of garlic and yells "váženej!" again. The woman behind me in line says very quietly that I was supposed to weigh (váženej) the garlic. In my defense, I was exhausted, and hungry. AND, at most of the other grocery stores that I've been shopping at, they do weigh at the cashier and it's been at least 2 years since I went to one that did want you to weigh (unless, we had to while traveling last year but regardless, I forgot this existed). So, needless to say, it was not a good language experience bringing me to a new feature on this new blog: The Language Usage Rating - or - How's my česky?, which is grammatically incorrect but sounds better than what it should be. One of my Czech teachers last year said that when I drink, I speak Czech perfektní. So, instead of stars, I am using beer glasses. The more beer, the better I speak/understand Czech. So the more glasses, the better I'm doing at Czech. I expect to have good and bad days and hopefully the really good or the really bad will be entertaining enough to share here.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Drink a few for me, and you'll be fluent in no time!
